We're coming close to the end of our first Geek Week.
This is has been an awesome experience, to say the least. :)
Dude, this movie is so, SO underrated!
It even got my buddy Aja liking it!
Ok, ok, if you haven't seen it, you really need to. If the trailer didn't do it for you, which I don't understand why it wouldn't, you really need to see it and give it a chance. Because it is utter awesomeness.
When I first saw the trailer, I had no clue it was based on a graphic novel series. In fact, I didn't find that out until after I saw the movie. In any case, they did a fabulous job.
Even though it's about aliens and robots, it's story is so unique. One of it's biggest positive aspects is the character development. It has great characters and portrayal, and it's so easy to love all three the humans, the robots and the aliens, because all of them are so different compared to other sets of characters.
Like, oh my gosh, I can not even. I fangirl every time I watch it.
And most importantly, the story pulls you in. You can't help but love everyone and just how different everything is. It's so fresh and you really connect with the characters.
Also what I love about it is that Mako and Raleigh had one of the best relationships ever built between two perfect strangers and they didn't even kiss once.
They had loyalty and friendship and attraction and honor and understanding and love and they didn't even have to smooch or get weird to show it. They're perfect, yo. I love 'em.
But dude, I just, you don't even understand. Just see it.
The characters, the plot, the background, the CGI, the robots, the aliens, the everything, amazing.
And yes, I give it a 10/10. bwaaaaaa.
10. Super 8
The general reason why I adored this film was because it was yet another masterpiece involving film making.
I've always loved movies about three of my passions; writing, acting and film making.
And this one is bloody brilliant.
Sure, the language is over the top, especially being said mostly by kids, but let's face it, that's reality.
Kids younger than me have said some dang nasty things that I would never say in my life.
But y'know, no.
All those kids are fabulous. I love the whole cast. Every last one of them.
The emotional backgrounds and scenes of Joe and Alice were terrific. They really reel you in to connect with them and the scene where Alice cries makes me cry.
They each portray their character so well that it's almost as if they're real people running around in this type of situation. The plot involves aliens, of course, which was what originally drew me on board to see the film, but it takes a rather interesting turn when you find out more about the oh-so-terrible alien.
In his eyes, we, as humans, were so cruel to him that he saw no good in us and we were all the same, so he took his revenge for all the bad they did to him, but it all turned around when he saw the goodness in Joe's heart and how Joe reminded him that "you can still live", which basically means, bad things happen, but we don't have to destroy ourselves and others because of it. We can still live, we can move on and instead of doing bad, do good. Nobody innocent has to suffer just because we do.
And that was an excellent message to squeeze in there.
I really liked how they turned things around for the alien and didn't villainize him completely.
I mean, gosh, though, the kids were absolute jewels. Yeah, I wanna smack 'em around at times and wash their mouths out with soap, but they were fantastic. Joe was pretty much the only one who didn't sit there and speak like the others; he was calm, mature and such a sweetie. You really feel for the kid when you see more about his mom. And him and his dad's relationship was an interesting one to watch play out.
The strain between both Joe and Alice's fathers was a great addition. The realism in all the relationships between the characters had a good impact on the way you saw the film. You got emotionally connected to the characters in a positive way and actually cared where they went or what happened to them.
The movie itself is mixed in with good amounts of humor and suspense and really pulls you in, waiting to see what happens. I'd give it a 9.5. Great for nightly entertainment. ^_^
11. Speed Racer
Ok, you have no right to judge me, but I thought this one rocked.
I'm not even a fan of racing or movies ABOUT racing, but I just love this movie.
Ohhh, yes, it has plenty of shares of flaws. But if there's one thing you've found out about me in this Geek Week so far, it's that I get easily pleased. I love things despite all the wrongs in it, as long as it appeals to me in the slightest, I'm in and I'm loyal.
I can't help but get mesmerized by how flashy and stylish it is. It's a rather stunning look, the graphics.
The background and scenery and visual effects makes everything look almost like it's sprung out from a comic book. I never watched the original Speed Racer (naturally, I heard a great deal about it), but that didn't stop me from wanting to see this one. It's trailer really stuck out to me and at the time, we were in short supply of films being made based on classic cartoons, so I was excited.
So when I started to watch it, I could tell there were lots of parts that were like..you know...the thing seemed odd, but only because it was different and I wasn't used to the type of storytelling and characterization the creators were prone to. I watched it that first time and enjoyed it well enough.
But by the next go, that was it. I was in love. :)
Despite it's source material, they didn't treat it with a hidden disrespect.
They stayed true to the original story, while not making every single thing ridiculous and silly.
It was well beyond entertaining and actually quite a ride (excuse the pun) when you're watching it in the dark and all those vivid, bright colors pop up on the screen.
The actors did well with what they got and made it fun and comical. The mixture of different moods, especially having to do with competition and humor, was done well.
You've gotta love Speed and Trixie, though, since they were the cutest cuties.
And I severely, to this day, want Matthew Fox as Batman, because he would do perfect.
So yeah, it gets cheesy and has it's moments of flaws, but if you're anything like me, you'll love it simply because it's a good strange, colorful and witty film.
I give it a 7.5. ^^
12. King Kong
Another film involving a filmmaker subplot that I just adore Peter Jackson for adding.
But no, bro, this film is amazing.
I'm not even kidding, it's one of the best experiences I've had watching a movie.
Everything about it is so thrilling and the story comes together so spectacularly.
I love what they did with the characters and the direction, even though the ending is bloody sad and makes me blubber like a baby, the film in itself has a beautiful quality.
The look, the acting, the suspense, the action, it's like wow.
Ann Darrow was incredible. She really made you care, with just how sweet and honest, but strong and capable she was. And I love the way her and Kong connected. Almost like Beauty and the Beast.
While it wasn't love on her side, she really, truly cared for him and did everything she could to protect him.
Her and Jack made a great couple, too. Jack had a great character. He had his own issues, but at least he was willing to go and try to save Ann, not refusing to give up, and that took guts given the island's harsh environment (...and inhabitants). But he had such sass and a can-do attitude, it's hard not to fall for his charm.
The rest of the characters you really have to see past the annoying attitudes to be able to like them.
I loved what they did with Kong, though. They gave him the right level of emotion over all that happened to him, almost showing a human side of him the audience hadn't seen before. And the fact that the rest of his kind all died off made his passing all the more tragic.
The ending, like I said, makes me blubber like a fish. Or maybe I said baby, but I'm going with fish.
But yes, the acting, the characters, the look, the feel, the work they put into everything, the story, the direction, the everrytthhiiinnggg.
Fabulous. All fabulous.
That is all for now. You may be excused.
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