Three more posts to this set. ;) Let's continue with the first!

*Much of this amazing classic is suitable mostly for entertainment purposes rather than get preachy, however there are a few strong themes that one can take from; the power of friendship, respect and loyalty, for one. Aladdin and Genie were the best of pals and Genie was there for him whenever he needed help.
Second is the subject that someone's social status shouldn't dictate whether you should love them or not. Despite being poor, Aladdin had just as much a good heart as he would were he powerful.
Jasmine recognized this and the two fell for one another. And throughout all the trials, they eventually found a way to be together. He also didn't have to play prince in order to impress her. He just needed to be himself. Another is, well, be careful what you wish for. Cuz it might be exactly what you wish for.
*I just love this one so much. It's very well done and has a great feel and direction about it. I mean, c'mon, who doesn't love Aladdin?!

*If you pay attention, this actually has a lot of Christian comparisons I'd probably have to name sometime. But other than that, there aren't too many messages around. It is a great film, though..
*I know how this movie got bad reviews and I don't even understand. How can you not love it?!
It was spectacular! The graphics, the acting, the storyline, EVERYTHING, it all looks so pretty and digital and you can not deny the awesomeness of the soundtrack. ♥ The characters are also portrayed so well. I loved almost everybody and was incredibly sad when almost all of them were killed off. :( One of the cons of this film, to be sure. But that doesn't stop me from absolutely loving it.

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