Sunday, January 18, 2015

Grimm S4: Episode 9 REVIEW

If you guys don't already know, I and my parents are huge fans of the TV show called "Grimm", which is a supernatural, crime-edition, fairytale show that sticks extremely close to the gory content of the Brothers Grimm tales.
(Though the 1st season was probably the heaviest as far as gore goes, the seasons following have their moments from time-to-time)
Well, considering the season came back on last night and it was massively nail-biting, I thought it was appropriate for me to give a little review of the show.

WARNING, this post will be containing spoilers, so if you haven't seen the episode yet or are just starting out with the show, please move on.

Or if you're just not interested, you can move on, too. ;P

Ok, so, the way they left us hanging last year, in the Winter finale, was just plain cruel.
Monroe was taken by those dirty sons-of-guns and in this episode, we see that it's the same people who were threatening Rosalee on the phone and probably the ones who've been sending them threats throughout the season, as well. Apparently, they are incredibly against Wesen mixing with one another and they kind've prove it by killing people. Yes, they go that far.

As it turns out, they're a race of what we assume to be a bunch of Blutbads (so far, we only see the two brothers go Blutbad) that form a group called the Wesenrein and they have captured poor Monroe and are planning to kill him.
Their group is something of that of Nazis, as they have the flag/symbol that is very identical to the one the Nazis used. Now, I'm thinking these guys are no doubtedly connected to Hitler, maybe committed followers far down the line, cuz if one was paying attention to a previous episode some seasons before, they will see that when Nick was watching an old reel clip of the nefarious tyrant, they will see that Hitler turned into a Blutbad.

Well, these guys sure are jerks, for lack of a better clean word.
Especially the young brother, he annoys the bejesus out've me.
He was so stupid, though. He totally gave Monroe too much information to use against them, if that is the way they are playing it, which I do believe is possible.
Why show the young brother having a leader-complex and thinks (probably) that he'd be a better head-honcho than his big bro and then of course have them clash a bit over a little power struggle if they weren't planning on using this down the line? Perhaps Monroe can use this against them. We've already seen the brother is an emotional roller coaster, no doubt cuz he's a teenager, and he makes mistakes. So taking advantage of the obvious problems might help get him out of this.
Though to be honest, I am really worried about the future of Monroe.
Is he going to get out of this alive, or are the writers going to use this opportunity to create a shock factor and kill off the old boy? I certainly freaking hope not. Cuz Monroe is perfect and the whole show itself would not be the same without him. :((((

On to other things, I suspected the cop (Hacker) was definitely hiding something.
They number one showed him way too many times for him to be just nobody. They usually show people for a little bit, who are victims of attacks, or just reference them in later conversations, that are completely faultless. But no, they made him a big deal and I'd have no idea how, with the way the Wesenrein handle things, that he would even be alive. If they're quick enough to kill their own just so, then they'd definitely kill off some guy sitting outside of Monroe and Rosalee's house.
So yeah, he's a rat. Or, you know, whatever you are, Hacker. O_o Nail him, Nick.

That one scene with her and Juliette scared me.
I was literally about to scream and die and throw something at the TV if they just killed her like that.
When they were prolonging, I totally thought it was for real, for sure.
But fortunately, it WAS just a nightmare.
Still though, not cool to do that to our hearts.
And the whole thing with Terry was mega-sad, btw. I was really hoping he'd make it out of there alive.
But sadly, that was not the case. Hoping Monroe delivers that ring to him, eventually.
Also hoping these dirt-bag Nazi wannabes get creamed. I've had enough of them and they just showed up.
Impaling while burning people to death is not the way to go about business, guys.

Glad to see, though, that Nick is going through that Oxygen-saver thing where is skin turns a ghostly blue/grey/white? It's pretty cool. It mostly shows up when he's going through something intense.

Regarding Wu, I am so glad we finally got Truth Wu in this episode. Sad Wu, Crazy Wu, Mad Wu, Confused Wu, Weepy Wu and Suspicious Wu were starting to break my heart.
I like him joining the circle of the Grimmers. Kind've awkward when he speaks of it, but the same goes for Renard and Hank. It takes some getting used to.
Now he's back to Funny Wu and Sassy Wu and that pleases me, cuz he made some of the best jokes on the show. And btw, he really is handling the whole Wesen thing rather well.

I need to rewatch the episode with my parents (who I watched it with last night and all the nights previous) because there are a few things in the episode I missed and need to see. I didn't quite catch the scene, for instance, with the croc guy that Renard was talking to.

But no, the way they ended the episode was not nice. I definitely need more and it's only the next day.
At least, though, I'll be getting my Mentalist Thursday and Grimm Friday back, now that it's back on. :)
I missed my weekly schedule. ♥

Yeah so, hoping everything goes smoothly this next episode and my suspicions are put to the grave that anyone remotely important is gonna die. Cuz I don't want anyone to die. They're all fabulous.

But dude, they have so many cliffhangers for things.
I'm hoping, for one, to see Trubel and Josh again. I miss those two.
They took them off just as I started to really love their characters and also where the two actually started to get any real chemistry.
I also am still waiting for that Jaguar lady to come back that Hank liked. They had a great storyline and I really liked them as a potential couple. Plus Hank hanging with her brother was the best thing. :/

There's a possibility also that Trubel and Josh might bump into Nick's mom on the way. Hoping, hoping that Nick's mom reveals that she is Trubel's mother or at least her aunt or something. There's a total possibility that Trubel is Nick's Aunt's child, which will mean that Trubel and Nick are cousins, though I personally like them better as brother and sister. I just think the two are way too much alike to NOT be related. I mean, gosh.

So for the next episode, I'm hoping things turn up for Monroe and the whole gang. I certainly don't want anyone to die. They scared me earlier this season for almost killing Renard, but he's still alive, so we'll see.
Looks like meh girl Rosalee is gonna get feisty with the old Nazi jerks and there's a possibility Juliette will have to go berserk and get all Wesen herself if this thing turns into a dangerous situation involving Nick.
I know it's probably wishful thinking, but I really would like for Monroe's parents to come along and beat the scrap out of these guys. That would be hilarious.
So many cliffhangers, I'm dying.

But my honeys, I am not liking the titles of any of these next episodes. :( Especially number 11.


Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Majora's Mask 3D--New Saving Method

For all you Majora's Mask fans (myself including).

They've thus announced since this article that they're running along with the new saving method in the upcoming MM remake..

Apparently, commenters are saying they're glad for this since they 'had a problem' with the old way.
Honestly, I never did. I usually get past the small things like this and work around my environment pretty quickly. Certain games just go about certain aspects differently; in this case, you had to save the game via the statue and you can either revert time or create a temporary save.
I had no issue with it at all. I actually created a system; when you start a new day, if you want to progress through the story mode, fine, do it and then dump your stuff off so you can play the Song of Time and turn the game off. I always turned in all my Rupees over to the banker and whatever items I had, pft, they're fairly easy to obtain, so no biggy. And then I was done.
People complain way too much. ;P
Just get with the program, gosh. haha

---and this is another seemingly meaningless post done by le Character Queen. Good night, folks---

So (to the fans) did YOU have a problem with the old way? You already know my answer!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Why video games are actually quite frankly amazing

I know a lot of people have this very vicious stereotype that video games don't 'have a storyline' and that they're just for nerds. I'm fully aware of the hate or disinterest video games get from them. I've been aware of it ever since I knew what a video game even was.

Well I'm here to tell you, being someone who loves entertainment of all formats, that video games have some of the best storylines out there.

Sure, in the beginning, video games were corny little inventions to help pass the time and many of them DIDN'T have much of a plot to brag about. They gave you a mission and you followed it. Just like you would in a board game. Over the years, however, video games have grown into so much more. While things like Mario still stick around to keep especially the kiddies entertained and has a fair amount of plot that would match up with that of a cartoon, things like The Legend of Zelda, Halo and especially Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts have some of the best and most beautiful storylines out there, in my opinion. The characters created are amazing and many backstories are so deep and unexpected. The creators of these games even today try their best to bring in people who have their doubts. Who disbelieve that games have a plot. They strive to improve the graphics and material to make them seem real-like.
I might add that video games are basically like movies and shows, it's just that YOU can control where the story goes. YOU are the hero. 

Many video games have been converted into movies very nicely.
Advent Children, for instance, is one of my all-time favorite movies, as well as Wreck-It Ralph.
Halo: Forward Unto Dawn was brilliant. (and it even has Susan Pevensie!)

Video games can also teach you alot. They've been proven to help kids' puzzle-solving skills and interaction to things.

I might just be very easy to please when it comes to stuff, but I grew up with video games and had the love of them instilled in me, so I honestly can not even imagine what life would be like without some of the characters found in so many of the classics.
I know if more people caved in and just played, they'd really love it.
I always have a respect for folks who promote games so positively and encourage others, including the type that doubt, to play. Folks such as the awesome Robin Williams and Zachary Levi, for example.

Robin and Zelda

Robin even named his daughter after Princess Zelda, for pete's sake.

So yes, games have had a large impact in character society. They have amazing characters and plots and the graphics are getting better and better, even though I've never been too picky on graphics to begin with.
Still, there's some really great stuff out there that people would really enjoy. There's games ranging from every scenario, every type of character, every type of plot, I'm sure you'll find something to get into.
Games even get created based on movies.

So please give them a chance. You have no idea what you're missing out on-- games are incredible things and I know you'll agree if you just pick up a controller and take a leap. :)

So with that, are you a gamer? If so...what's your favorite game? ^.^