Tuesday, October 27, 2015


The time has finally come!
That's right folks. The Tenth Doctor and Donna are returning for an audio series named "The Tenth Doctor Adventures," by the company Big Finish. It's coming out May of 2016. (IT'S SO FAR AWAY. TT_TT ) The episodes' names are: Technophobia, Time Reaver, and Death and the Queen. 
WHO DOESN'T LOVE TENNY AND DONNA? I MEAN COME ON. THIS IS GONNA BE AWESOME!!! ^_^ These two are just amazing, and I'm seriously looking forward to this. 

Oh and here's a video about it-

Tennant's faces though. XD 

Welp, that's all I've got to say. Tootaloo! 

Friday, October 2, 2015

Day 5: Best of the Disney Films

Almost done! ♥

Wreck-It Ralph

*A really good message about reflecting one's role in this world. Whether or not you're actually a bad guy, therefore causing kids to eventually look at their own qualities and having an inner desire to be good.
There's also a great theme of friendship and loyalty developed especially between Ralph and Vanellope. And a neat side message that if you have a job, you need to do it, cuz other people are depending on you.
*Perhaps one of the best movies Disney has made. It certainly has it's problems, but you can't argue; it's awesome! So good and so special. The video game theme is what attracted me to it and I'm so glad it was successful in it's exposure. There are some emotional qualities to it that are mixed in with the clever humor and fun plot, as well. It's a great one to watch with the whole fam, cuz there's a lot to enjoy. :)

Prince of Persia

*The most important quality in this is the theme of family. There's also the note that you need to be careful with the choices you make. Cuz in reality...at least that we know of. ;)...there really isn't a magic dagger that turns back time.
*This one was utterly fantastic. I had only played bits and pieces of the original game, so I had vague memory of the storyline when the movie came out, which basically, this is a sugarcoated Disney version, who turned it more into a fairytale, but that's fine, cuz they still did a great job! It's an awesome movie with an element I wish we can use on every movie, and well, everything...y'know...turning back time to where none of the bad stuff happened. XDDD But they gave a few really respectful nods to the original game and that was cool. Daston and Tamina were adorable, yo. Their relationship developed rather nicely.
So yeah, really good film, all around!
Beauty & the Beast

*Don't judge someone based on their appearance, for a person can be more than what they seem. Beast was externally a selfish, bitter and ugly person, but on the inside, he was hurt, and spiteful for what happened to him and had heroic qualities to him that he just refused to acknowledge. Gaston, on the other hand, was the complete opposite. He might have been the most "handsome" man in town and was adored by all those around him, he was really a vain, greedy, envious and cruel individual who lusted for things only to have them as trophies. While he sought out Belle to be a prize to be won, Beast saw her with love and respect and was willing to earn her as opposed to just taking her. That meant looking within himself and try to change to be more worthy of her, which is an important thing to teach to kids. We're not always going to be perfect people. We're gonna have our own separate issues, but as long as they're not too terrible and we really love a person, we have the chance to try and compromise and attempt to be better so we're worthy of the people we care for. And that change winds up not only appealing to the ones we did it for, but to others, as well.
* It's a classic. What can I say? It's a beautiful tale, with magnificent art, voice acting and direction.
They added real action to it, as well, which is something the original story lacked.
Sure, there's a song here and there, but nothing too annoying or unbearable. There's cheese, but the film is so good, you're required to sit through it and just smile. It's a wonderful film, regardless. ♥

God Bless,

Day 5: Movies I Could Watch Again and Again

Good day. :)
Sadly, this will be the last one of this set.
I hope you've enjoyed it and got some ideas as to what to watch!

13. Batman Returns

Yes, another Batman movie. What a surprise. ;)
Out of all the original four Bat films they did, this one I could watch over and over (hence the title of this set).
Indeed, it has it's share of issues. Such as the handful of inappropriate moments and references, but I just can't help but adore this film. When I'm not watching it on my Bat-film days, I always go out've my way in making sure I watch it for Christmas. Cuz frankly, it's a Christmas film and you can't argue with that.
So watching it has sort've become a little tradition of mine.

But no, no, no, see, I just loved it. The dark and creepy atmosphere is fantastic and their choice of villains was spectacular. ♥ I love what they did with the characters and how awesome they made Batman.
The film was treated with plenty of Batman galore and tons of lovely, respectful moments to all of the characters. They made Selina and Oswald actual freaks of nature; turning Penguin into an inappropriate, mutated, spiteful little creep. And Catwoman into a suggestive, vengeful sort of feline.
So the fact they umped their characters to an actual level of legitness was pretty fun.

The only time I actually was for one of Bruce's relationships in these movies was in this exact film;
him and Selina were perfect. What I love about her as a love interest, though, is that she wasn't like the others; she made him come to her. Much like in Dark Knight Rises.
And had she given Bruce a chance, I think the two really would've worked out and been a perfect team. But everything she did made her feel as if it was impossible for a normal life.
So yes, the ending has it's deal of sadness. And I will be honest, I get sort've teary when Penguin dies.
Despite all of his creepy little flaws, I loved the guy. He balanced his weirdness with lots of humor and quotable words, and dressed rather stylishly.
You see the film begin with his birth and you follow his story from that point on, then things wind up closing out with his death is just...sad. Hero or villain, it's sad. Especially the way they did it, made it seem so final and sorrowful, as if showing, despite your feelings about him, you had to feel sad he was going.

The whole atmosphere may be dark and creepy and at times a bit gloomy, which is to be expected from Tim Burton, but I love it. I just love it. It's one of my favorite films simply because it's Batman and they did a really great job with it. I can't help but smile when watching it. Out of the four, this one had to be the greatest.
So, yeah. 9.5 :)

14. Eight Legged Freaks

Ah, yes. Eight Legged Freaks. A childhood favorite.
This is so because of a thing about me that people think is weird; I love spiders.
Always have, always will! ^_^
I love the creeptastic, multi-eyed little cuties. Especially Black Widows and Jumping Spiders. ♥
So I, for one, don't watch this film in disgust. I adore it.

Despite being a comedy of sorts, I think of it as just another film with lots of appropriate levels of humor.
It's fantastic and hilarious. Yes, yes, yes, I know, it has flaws and some cheesy parts, but stop raining down on my parade! I love it to pieces. ^_^
The characters are an interesting bunch and the plot is fun and it has it's moments where you kinda widen your eyes, especially when everyone starts to discover the spiders themselves.
And let's not forget, this movie had a young Black Widow in it, ok?
No, I'm serious, it actually had a young Natasha Romanoff, look, I have photographic evidence!

The pacing of things is good, too. And the right level of action, if you can call fighting giant spiders action.
And I was incredibly sad to see Joshua go. Him and Mike had a fun friendship going on.
And Samantha was fabulous. Her and Chris' backgrounds were really interesting subplots to watch and I feel they had great character development.

Ah, what else can I say, you won't believe me, but it's a really fun film and I loved it and shut up.
9.9! Just to spite you. >=/

15. Gremlins

Your cruelty to spider kind has forced me to close this set off with a scary Gremlin photo.
You're welcome. Happy now?

Yes, how can I not end things with the loveliness that is Gremlins? It's a classic and pure awesomeness.
I just really don't have much to say about it besides, like, the pacing? The pacing is good.
And the character development is decent enough. I'm sorry, I'm really just tired and don't wanna think too much, but yes, it's fantastic. I love both the Gremlins and Mugwais and Gizmo is precious. ♥
Billy is a major sweetie. I loved him as a character, and it made me sad to see so many unfortunate things happen to him. And yeah...Kate had problems.

But the whole point of it is, GREMLINS.
I watch it every Christmas, like Batman Returns, and I just love it, dude, don't step on my happiness.
Just Gremlinnssssss, we don't judge it, we watch it, NEED I SAY ANYMORE?
9.9 and done.

So yes, thank you for taking the time to read my overly-long mini reviews of all my beautiful beloved films. :)
Love you all and God Bless you!


Sassy Overload - The 9th Doctor

Art by (unknown)

I have only seen three episodes of 9, but I already love him. He's so sassy, and for some reason I just love his smile. Like, just look at him:

I also love his interaction with Rose, and just how he delivers his lines. My favorite so far from him is:
He just looks so offended. I just can't NOT love this guy. XD

Oh and also this:

He's such a great Doctor, and I'm so glad that I'm watching him. I admittedly skipped him before, but at least now I'm watching him. :)
That's all I've got to say about him... for now. XD 

The Fluffy Hair - Where I Talk About Tenny

Art by MPMG

What I love most about the Tenth Doctor is that he shows the sweet side of the Doctor. The side that is brave AND kind. The hero that is the Doctor. He's concerned about his friends, and cares about them so much that it hurts him, even to the point that he would die for them. Even as he was dying, he wanted to "say" one last goodbye to each of them. 
But Tenny isn't all serious. He also has a silly side him him.
I love it when he says stuff like:

And that time when he said:

And when he tries to sound all scientific-y:

And I just love how he says this ^.^   :

Plus just.... just these:

Those are some of my favorite quotes from him. ^.^ He's got a great sense of humor.
But there's one thing I haven't mentioned...

The hair.  <3 

Yes, I just had to do it. ;) 

He'll always be my first and favorite Doctor.,  and those are my favorite things about Tenny. ^.^

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Day 4: Fabulous Females

Three more to the set! ♥


Come on, you know I had to add her!
It's Merida, dude! She's a total adorable tomboy, a wild spirit and a lovely little human being.
No matter who you are, you gotta love Merida. She may be a princess, but she acts like every other commoner, with a childish and playful demeanor.

What I love most about her was how realistic they made her. She's stubborn and rebellious like every other teenager, but she refused to conform to ancient tradition, being an arranged marriage, because that's not what she wanted for her life. She wanted to find someone to share her loves and be happy with, who understood her and her unlady like behavior. She proceeded to do the wrong thing to get her way and because of that, the consequences of her decision almost cost her mother.
In the nick of time, she and her mother both learned their own lessons and began to understand one another.

While she may have made wrong choices, the beauty of her personality is that she realized she was wrong. She was growing. She was learning. She was experiencing life, as we all do. She made bad decisions, but once she realized this, she quickly tried to put them to right and she fought like heck for it.
Once more, her relationship with her mother was beautifully done, even making me emotional. She had the bond that a lot of mothers and daughters share. It's a struggle. You may fight a lot and don't agree with everything eachother says, but in the end, you're still family and you still love one another.
And no matter what you both say or do, you don't wanna watch the other suffer or go.
So, she had great character development, in that case.

Another thing I love about her is her totally wild, tomboyish spirit.
She fought, she played with swords, bow and arrows, roughed around with her brothers, and did things girls kind've just did not do. But that's the awesome part about her. She refused to live like other princesses, like other girls-- she set her own path.
And people who say this means she likes girls?
Nuh uh. Those bozos don't know what they're talking about.
I get so tired of the same tune being sung about girls like this.
Just because you're different from other girls, doesn't mean it means what you think it means. She wants to be herself and that's tough. If she has more boyish qualities, that's fine. She's clearly wanting to be in a relationship, but just with someone she chooses. I'm sure those weren't the only three dudes in Scotland. She probably wants someone manly, and brave, and capable, like her.
Pay attention to one part where she peeks at one of the men...no, not the boys they put in the spotlight.. the one that one of the Scotland Lords was supposedly describing, as his son.

She took notice. XD So she clearly is attracted to someone big and strong.
Sooooo stop with the same card, guys. You're killing me.

But you know, it's hard not to love Merida at least a little. She's awesome. ♥


Don't even get me started on the ridiculous rants of the purists. I respect that people want things to be as they are in books (or just in originals) but to completely down the character and the actor and everything having to do with them was just down right wrong. There have been plenty of original characters for films or otherwise who have been spectacular. I mean, c'mon, it's not like she was a walking banana who liked rock and roll. She was an elf who fit the graceful nature of her species quite nicely. There were other elves in the forest, y'know, not just Thranduil. And naturally, Legolas was around too, SINCE HE WAS HIS SON.
But I am a firm supporter of her. Her character fit right into the cast, as if she really were one of the originals.
So just...stop. Stop complaining. It's rude.

And yes, I have her on here. Cuz I loved her. She was awesome. She was a fighter, she was loyal, she was all the makings of a good role model. They did an excellent job on her, and yes, to be honest, a little bit of a female presence was refreshing. It's not like they didn't exist or anything.

Unlike others, I was alright with the relationship between her and Kili. It was fine, it was fine.
What I had a problem with was how they made him die for her. Like, what?
No, no, no, that was just wayyy too cliche and just..no.
That's one of the things that made Fili and Kili's deaths all the more tragic was when they essentially sacrificed themselves, trying to defend Thorin.
But no, they had to go and make Kili die for Tauriel, uggghhh, no. Not ok.
That just kind've ruined the moment for me, so no, I did not cry.
That's one of the things with the deaths of LOTR is that they get an emotional response from me because they happen the way they're supposed to happen.
I would've preferred her to fight hard to try and find him in the chaos of the battle, and him and Fili died trying to defend their uncle..and then she find his body and cry. That probably would've been a heck of a lot sadder for me and I would've shed some tears. But noooo, die for the girl, nope nope nope, way too cliche.

Despite all that, I still loved her character. She was an awesome addition to the series and I love all her lines and determination. :) Hopefully her and Legolas eventually hooked up. XD
Love ya, girl!

BA DUM, DUM. Done for now!!

God Bless,