Wednesday, September 30, 2015

My Favorite Marvel Superheroes

Hello! Arwen the Avenger here.

What better way to kick off my part in Geek Week than to list my favorite Marvel superheroes? I love Marvel. Watching the movies in the MCU helps me relax after a long week of being 'adulty'. I also love Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and I just started watching Daredevil. I'm not quite sure how I feel about that last one, but let's get started with my favorite heroes, shall we? I am going to end with my favorite hero, and I'm only going to do the top 10!

10. Tony Stark/Iron Man

Yes, Tony Stark is in my #10 spot. I love the Iron Man, but don't necessarily like the man himself. Way too full of himself. However!!! At the same time, I really like Tony Stark! He adds dimension to the Avengers. They can't all be awesome like Captain America and Thor, they needed the annoying guy that no one really likes. Plus, there was that whole Ultron thing...
I am very interested in seeing how he is portrayed in Captain America: Civil War next year! The MCU has been pretty good at staying at least close to the comics, so I am hoping.

9. Thor

#9 is the mighty Thor. I'm beginning to like Thor more and more, but there are a few heroes that I like just a little more than him. I love his inability to understand every day objects that we have here. I also appreciate his chivalry and kindness. This is, of course, after the first movie. The 'new' Thor is the Asguardian that I love the best! "ANOTHER!"

8. Spider-Man

Ah yes, our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. Toby Maguire's Spider-Man was my first ever favorite superhero. He is who introduced me to this crazy world. However, that changed quickly after I watched the 3rd of Maguire's movies............
Thankfully, he was rebooted and I LOVED the new Amazing Spider-Man, Andrew Garfield. I love his sassy and sarcastic character. He also loves science, which is probably why I liked him in the first place.
Now, we have another new Spider-Man. I am neither pleased, nor disappointed. I'm going to save those feelings until after I see the new character in Civil War.

7. Hawkeye

To be completely honest, Hawkeye was not on this list until The Avengers: Age of Ultron. I liked him okay, but never thought that he was that great of a character. I hadn't read comics with him in them at that point, so I just wasn't sure what was up with our assassin bowman. I liked him before the latest movie, but only because he reminded me of Legolas, because of the bow. But now....
I love him so much better now. In case you haven't been able to see the movie yet, I won't give you any spoilers, but he goes up in this spot now.

6. The Falcon

Sam Wilson was a great addition to the team. His wings are cool, and he makes me laugh. That is always a good thing to have in a movie! I loved his scene in Captain America: The Winter Soldier where Cap is just running laps around him. I really want a sticker for my car that says 'On your left'. I am interested in seeing where his story leads. He will of course be on Captain America's side, but what else???

5. Ant-Man

This hero has, of course, just recently made his way on my list. I'm really slow to actually getting to read the comics, but I have scene all of the MCU's movies. Anyway, Ant-Man has a great story, and I love his relationship with his daughter. Sure, he was a thief, but now he is the amazing hero.
And you have to admit, his suit is pretty cool.

4. The Vision

Vision very quickly made it to this #4 spot. He was just amazing. AH. I think he has the potential of moving further up my list, but I need to see him a bit more. His character is amazing. Plus, there is that BIG thing that he did in The Avengers: Age of Ultron  that no one else was able to do. It just adds to that character. Plus, I am excited to see his potential, both for himself and the MCU's overall storyline. He now has that Infinity Stone, so what does Thanos think of that??

3. Black Widow

My favorite female superhero, the assassin Black Widow! I think my main reason for liking her is probably the fact that she is a ninja and has red hair. Okay, let me explain...I have red hair, and everyone likes to call me a ninja. So, yes, I have cosplayed as Black Widow a few times now. She is an amazing assassin, and I have enjoyed watching her storyline develop. The only complaint is the Bruce Banner thing, but we will see where that goes.

2. Star Lord

Yes, Star Lord, otherwise known as Peter Quill, is in my #2 spot. I loved this movie. It was incredibly weird and so very different, but something about it made me okay with that. I loved his character and how he grew...slightly. He is still the weird, crazy, for-himself kind of guy, but at the same time, there was something different about him after he saved the galaxy. I can't wait until the second movie comes out!! I have been having fun theorizing about his father and where I think the movie is going.

1. Captain America

Last, but definitely not least, is my favorite superhero of all time, Captain America. If you know me, you know that I am a bit obsessed with Marvel and Captain America. My dream is to meet Chris Evans, but I know that will probably never happen. A fangirl can wish, can't she?
One of the top reasons I like Captain America is because he is overall a great guy. He is kind, a leader, and there was the whole "There's only one God m'am," line in The Avengers. Another reason is that he reminds me of my fiance! They both have the same gentleman-ness about them, and I really love that.

So, these have been my favorite superheroes, but what about you? Who are your favorite heroes?

~Arwen the Avenger~

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