I'm just a geeky new-comer adult who is a great many things, which includes; a fan girl, a Christian, worshiper of the one true God, a lover of all things Character, tough girl, concerning psycho, nerd, geek, socially awkward penguin, writer and future film maker.
I'm depleting in my teenage years and I'm not ok with it. I have chocolatey dark hair and ghostly porcelain skin. And Peter Pan needs to pick me up already.
I beat up witches and warlocks and vampires and zombies and demons and general bullies in my mind. According to my dreams, I am a portal jumper, in which I travel from place to place, saving people and kicking bad guy butt. I'll roll with it mainly because it sounds cool.
I have too many best friends and I have too many boyfriends. They're all fictional, at least the boyfriends are. They're mostly bad boys, too.
This includes my hideously unhealthy obsession with Evil Pan (Peter Pan from Once Upon a Time, played by Robbie Kay), The Master (from Doctor Who played by John Simm), Jim Moriarty (Andrew Scott version from Sherlock), Tom Hardy's version of Bane from the Dark Knight Rises. But my love for him is mostly due to my love for Tom. And I also really like Kili from the Hobbit movies by Peter Jackson. Him and all his rugged handsomeness. I also have a thing for foreign men, clearly. There are others that I giggle over, such as Dimentio from Super Paper Mario, Ghirahim from Skyward Sword, Zexion from Kingdom Hearts, Kadaj from Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children. Can't remember who else there is. I'm sure there's more. But yeah, they're all life-ruiners.
And I'm only into brunettes. Sorry, not sorry.
Anyway, as I mentioned, I'm a writer and a future film maker. I write Christian science fiction stories, all that have not been published, but am currently working on my own versions of Fairytales, which I do plan on bringing to the public. The majority of my works have to do with Characters, another sign of my obsession.
I've been making up stories ever since I can remember, due to the fact that I just love telling them and I love to use my imagination, which is an ingenious and wondrous thing. I love forming worlds with my mind and giving birth to characters that exist in a near perfect universe. I love solving problems that life seems to throw at us and creating happy endings no matter what. I like to bend the rules of fate and make the impossible possible. I generally just love to think and use creation to express myself and my interests. I truly believe that God has given us many gifts and a beautiful universe to explore and discover and we mustn't waste any of it!
I'm lazy and snarky and weird. I like some creepy/dark stuff, but nothing over-board. I have too many lovely movies, tv shows, books and video games to count, but for your sake, I'll try to put a few things I love...
Characters: Oh gosh, you hit it where it hurts! I love everyone pretty much, but I do like warriors and those who are truly heroic and aren't afraid to fight against evil. The incorruptible ones are the most noble and inspirational. If we're going with super heroes, I can straight up say that my two favorites are Batman and Spider-man! Always and forever. <3
I appreciate tough girls in things, a.k.a. warrior women, who are NOT lesbo! A vicious stereotype that's spreading around and I don't at all approve of it.
My favorite fairytale character/Disney Heroine is Mulan. And if you're trying to get me to say who my favorite video game character is, GET OUT.
Favorite movies: Awwww, nooooooo...well...it really depends on the movie for me. I usually like movies that other people don't like, not just the really good, well-made ones. I LOVE Advent Children and I always will. The Dark Knight trilogy is beast, Inception is superb, Last Action Hero is my childhood, Super 8 is the storyline I strive to achieve in life. I love loads of Disney stuff, especially the classics. MirrorMask is amazing, Hugo is breath-taking, super hero movies are the bomb and Pacific Rim is one of the best alien-robot movies ever. I also deeply approve of alien movies and galore. And Terminator 2 is also my childhood.
Favorite tv shows: Ooohh...ok, I really like crime shows like Castle, The Mentalist, etc. and cartoons that involve amusing things and when there's an actual good super hero series such as Birds of Prey or the Cape, then yes. I'm all for it. I love Scooby Doo like, as much as I do breathing. Gravity Falls is the tv show my soul has been longing for. I used to be a huge Once Upon a Time fan until the third season got stupid and the only good thing about it is Evil Pan, played by the perfect Robbie Kay. Grimm is an amazing modern fairytale Grimm-nod. NinjaGo is perfect. I occasionally became amused with iCarly and Victorious, my favorite characters being Sam and Jade from both. Invader Zim was an alien perfection and should've never been removed from television. Cheesy 80's alien shows also amuse me and Roswell is quite entertaining. Darkwing Duck was fantastic beyond all words and Transformers Prime was epic until the very end ripped out my heart. Sherlock and Doctor Who are hideously amazing. Haven't really found any anime worth mentioning.
Favorite video games: NO. I JUST. I play almost everything. I have always had a deep addiction for Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy, though. And the Legend of Zelda is also my childhood.
Favorite books: Anything that seems amusing to me. Nothing long or drab. I grew up with Fairytales, which set a huge love and respect for them. I like video game-based mangas and the Emily the Strange series. Comics are epic. I like to think I have lots of comics, but not nearly enough to be impressed over. I love graphic novels, mainly the retellings of fairytales and I also greatly approve of The Hobbit/Lord of the Rings series and the Narnia series.
I might also mention that Walt Disney is the human being who's work I strive to accomplish. I have great respect for Christopher Nolan, M. Night Shyamalan, Shane Acker, Troy Wagner and Peter Jackson, as far as film makers go. Stan Lee and Bob Kane are pioneers of perfection. I don't really think it's appropriate to put up favorite actors or actresses, mostly due to the fact that they're nothing like their characters.
Which is why I just have favorite characters.
I once had a similar situation with a Genie and a Giant Pig.

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