
Saturday, March 22, 2014

Unpopular Things About Me

So I saw someone doing something like this and thought it'd be fun for me. Sometimes I don't like having unpopular opinions because, well, who likes to disagree with people? And then I feel like I'm the only person on the planet with these opinions or isn't into something that's more popular. But now I'm just going to get them out there so I'll feel okay with having different opinions. Wouldn't it be boring if we all thought the same? ;)

Anyway, here's my list:

-I don’t love/hate High School Musical or Green Lantern (I didn’t love either but they weren’t horrible)

-I don’t like watching most battle scenes. Some are fun, but they have to be quick or they’ll bore me.

-I think the Hunger Games films (so far) were better than the books. I also thought that Divergent was better than The Hunger Games

-I only watched a few episodes of Doctor Who and one episode of Avatar: The Last Airbender

I found the following underrated: The Star Wars prequels (even though the movies themselves weren’t as good as the originals, I prefer the political story of the prequels, and Revenge of The Sith is probably my favorite Star Wars movie), The Emperor’s New Groove, National Treasure, Man of Steel (it wasn’t great but I still thought it was pretty good), Prequel Anakin Skywalker (I find him genuinely interesting and, although he was annoying in Ep II, I liked him in Episode III. I don't think the movies did him justice), Mockingjay (while it wasn’t as good as The Hunger Games or Catching Fire, I still enjoyed it)

I found the following overrated: Pixar’s Up, Toy Story 3, Thor: The Dark World, Transformers 2 and 3, Spider-Man 2 (VERY slightly; I loved it but thought the first one was better), Tangled (somewhat—I enjoyed it but didn’t fall in love with it), Snow White And The Seven Dwarves, Power Rangers series (thought it was cheesy), Mr. Rodger’s Neighborhood, Good Luck Charlie (it’s okay), The Hunger Games (slightly), Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment, Nancy Drew series, Charlie and The Chocolate Factory, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe, The Hobbit (didn’t finish it), The Fellowship of The Rings (I didn’t get very far into it), Boba Fett, Katniss Everdeen (annoyed me), Claire Bennet 

I haven't seen: The Wizard of Oz, Gone With The Wind, The Princess Bride, The Sound of Music, Mary Poppins, Avatar, Titanic, The Dark Knight, I Love Lucy, Seinfeld, Law And Order, Criminal Minds, Lord of The Rings Trilogy, Star Trek (I only saw part of the 2008 film)

So that's my list. I hope I didn't offend anyone in any of the fandoms I based/am not in *goes to hide in corner* ;) But you know, the biggest problem I have is people bashing others for not liking/liking something that's "unpopular". Not that any of you do it on here, of course, but I've met plenty people on the internet who do (I must spend too much time there :P). This was more for me to be okay with having different opinions or not doing what most people have (reading/watching popular books/movies/television series, for example).

So what about you guys? Do you have any opinions/haven't done anything that's considered "popular"? I'd love to hear your input on this :)


  1. Dude, one of my biggest pet peeves is people who act like other people can't have different opinions than what's popular. It's alright for you to not like the things you don't like! :D I think you're awesome. As for my unpopular opinions, in relation to Doctor Who, I couldn't STAND Amy Pond or even Rory Pond at first for the longest time. I......tolerate and kind of like them now, but it's hard for me to like characters such as Amy Pond who flirt with other guys when they're dating someone else OR /married/ to them! AUGH.

    1. Thanks for saying that :) Sometimes it's hard for me to be in the minority as far as opinions goes, but I'm trying to become okay with it. Like you said, there's absolutely nothing wrong with liking/disliking something that's not considered "popular". Thanks for reassuring me - I really do appreciate it, and it gives me confidence :)

      I'm not too familiar with Doctor Who, but I'm really irritated whenever characters flirt with people in relationships. That's just wrong :P One of my favorite couples (who had been broken up for awhile) started kissing even though the girl was in a relationship! Why do people do that, anyway? :/


No crude language and no negative comments. If ya can't say anything nice, then don't say anything at all.