
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Twilight Princess

In my opinion, Twilight Princess is, by far, one of the greatest and fun games in Character history. It's totally well plotted out and definitely my favorite of the series. If you haven't played it, you're missing out on alot! Here is the few main characters in the game and the trailer.

LinkThe classic and always awesome Link, the main protagonist of the game.

MidnaMidna is the Princess of the twilight, who was turned into an imp by Zant. She helps Link throughout the game.

Princess Zelda
Zelda is the Princess of Hyrule (although she is pretty much queen of it in the game) who's castle was over taken by Zant, so she remains a prisoner inside of it, though is still help to Link and Midna.

GanondorfGanondorf is the main antagonist of the game, who appears at the end. He's a bandit lord type guy and yeah, you pretty much know the rest. ;)

ZantAnd finally, this is Zant. He's an usurper who stole Midna's throne, casting her out (also turning her into an imp) and now rules the twilight.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Sit back and Relax

Hello, world! Welcome to my blog full of Character glory, where I shall be talking about them occasionally and posting fun facts about them! So please enjoy your stay and make sure to comment and follow this blog.